- portland chapter established ~ march 2020 - earning patronage - coop is a group of people pool their resources to and labor - see slide for whole speil - coops 12% of people? - creates our own economic sphere - grounded in local and global community - how do chapters fit in? - chapter plays key role in global movement - working to expand mission globally - move entire enconomy towards the zebra way - circles.world - circles tool - create a communit peopel want to show up to - work well together, belong there - 100 paying coop members in ZU - [ZU Co-op Chapter Lead Orientation - July 2021 - Google Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Zn-4ST-Vl-MY9NaHe2v5PV-1Hkj9N-iGdasJy4TFnSQ/edit) -